About North East CA

Our History             

In December 2023 a devolution deal for the North East was announced covering the local authority areas of:

  • County Durham
  • Gateshead
  • Newcastle
  • North Tyneside
  • Northumberland
  • South Tyneside
  • Sunderland

Devolution gives us the chance to make our own decisions about our own future, so we can target investment where we know we need it most. It means decisions being taken as near as possible to where they will have an impact. 

Under the deal, local leaders will have greater control over funding across this area and be able to take decisions normally made by central government locally.

That devolution deal paved the way for the formation of the combined authority on 7 May 2024.The North East CA is democratically governed by the Mayor and the Cabinet.

The Cabinet is the main decision-making body of the North East CA.  It is made up of the Mayor and one councillor from each of the seven constituent authorities of County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Sunderland, and Northumberland.  There are also two non-voting members representing the business and, community and voluntary sectors.

The Mayor and Cabinet set the policy direction of the organisation and the senior leadership team are responsible for turning this policy into delivery.

The North East CA has seven areas where we focus our programmes of work.  These areas are known as the Portfolios and each is led by one of our Cabinet members

There is a strong collaboration across each of the Portfolios.  In addition, the themes of environment, digital, public sector reform, and addressing health inequalities, are woven throughout all of our work.

The seven Portfolios are:


We’re working hard to deliver game-changing transport schemes and initiatives, and ultimately provide a greener, affordable, integrated transport network that works for everyone.

Culture, creative, tourism and sport

We seek to put culture, creativity, the visitor economy, leisure and sport at the heart of our regional economy.

Our Economy

Our economic strategy guides investment in the region to boost growth and productivity, while proactively reducing inequality.

Education Skills and Innovation

Our ambition is to build an economy everyone can contribute to and benefit from. We will equip residents with the skills and support needed for the region to thrive.

Environment, Coastal and Rural

The environment and the growth of our coastal and rural areas is at the core of the economic strategy for the North East.

Finance and Investment

Finance and investment underpins all the activities of the combined authority. It sets out a clear strategy to maximise investment within a plan for generating jobs, skills and inclusive growth.

Housing and Land

We have bold plans to improve the range, quality and affordability of housing, and drive growth and regeneration through improvements to infrastructure.

More Information


Economic Growth + InnovationDate
Closing date16 September 2024
Technical (First) Intervieww/c 21 October TBC (Newcastle)
CEO 1:1 discussion (Teams/phone call)w/c 18 November
Assessment session and Final Panel interviewTBC

Skills, Inclusion and Public Service ReformDate
Closing date16 September 2024
Technical (First) Intervieww/c 07 October TBC
CEO 1:1 discussion (Teams/phone call)w/c 11 November TBC
Assessment session and Final Panel intervieww/c 18 November TBC (Newcastle)